July 16, 2008

O SENHOR é o meu pastor, nada me faltará.
Deitar-me faz em verdes pastos, guia-me mansamente a águas tranqüilas.
Refrigera a minha alma; guia-me pelas veredas da justiça, por amor do seu nome.
Ainda que eu andasse pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temeria mal algum, porque tu estás comigo; a tua vara e o teu cajado me consolam.
Preparas uma mesa perante mim na presença dos meus inimigos, unges a minha cabeça com óleo, o meu cálice transborda.
Certamente que a bondade e a misericórdia me seguirão todos os dias da minha vida; e habitarei na casa do SENHOR por longos dias.

July 14, 2008

(results of a glass of wine)

What hell are people thinking who I am?! I'm a human, with blood running in my veins, who goes to bathroom, who gets tired, upset, cries.. like everyone else. I love being around people, enjoy my dinner (or any meal) with a good cia, laugh, being happy. As you, I have my bad mood sometimes, and I change when my phone rings... Like everyone, I'm not perfect. So, why are you looking at me and reading this f*%$ text about to find out what's right and wrong. I gotta my time to learn things, I gotta my time to feel and I really don't care what you've thought about me, 'cuz I decided follow what I had before: my way. So, it's time for you decide now: do you wanna keep by side or give up!?